Non-Drug and Non-invasive Treatment for Major Depression

At times, medications alone are not enough to treat symptoms of clinical depression.   Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) is a very effective FDA-approved treatment for adults ages 18 and over.

TMS is an outpatient procedure that is covered by most insurance plans which uses targeted magnetic pulses to stimulate the area of the brain that is less active in patients with depression.  The majority of patients with treatment-resistant depression experience a significant reduction in depressive symptoms after using TMS.  Patients in the TMS program usually receive treatment 5 days a week for 6 weeks, followed by 3 weeks of tapering.  Each treatment session is about 19 minutes long.  Some patients may experience scalp soreness during treatment for the first 1-2 weeks, and headaches during the first week, but there are usually no other side-effects.  Approximately 2/3 of TMS patients respond to treatment and 1/2 reach remission from depression.  The durability of the treatment is very good for most patients, with patients still experiencing reduced symptoms a year later.  Additionally, results are greatly improved when TMS is combined with other forms of therapy and is part of a comprehensive treatment plan.


TMS Treatment Team

Please email or contact our TMS technicians in our West Bend office at (262) 338-2717 ext. 206 to schedule a free and confidential TMS consultation.

TMS  Videos

An overview of TMS

Rod's Story

ACS Patient Testimonials

" Every aspect of my life has improved-from relationships to dealing w/ hiccups. I'm more confident.  I'm definitely not depressed."

"I'm going to start writing poetry again."

"I found myself singing in the car on the way here."

"When I woke up this morning, I looked in the mirror and thought, 'You know what?' I'm finally ok with being who I am."

"Every time I leave here I feel better."

"Things are brighter; more vivid.  I enjoy things more."

"I'm more relaxed, I don't stress over things so much.  When something stressful does happen, I'm able to handle it better.  My whole life has changed."

"I used to hate waking up in the morning, and now I think, 'What should I do today?'"

"I just feel better.  I don't feel so blah.  I've been singing in the car and smiling more."

"I don't know how to explain it.  I just feel lighter.  I'm happy."

"This TMS is changing my life.  My whole outlook has changed."

"I  never thought that dark cloud would leave me, but, here I am, standing under clear skies for the first time in what feels like forever."

"TMS worked!  I am so grateful.  I'm living life again!"

"Before TMS I had terrible thoughts of worthlessness and no hope.  I enjoy things more and can see ahead of me and the potential I have.  TMS can change your life.  Have hope."

"TMS has given me my life back.  I did not think I would ever, in my lifetime, feel mentally healthy again.  TMS was my savior.  The care I received was outstanding."

"TMS took me from the depths of despair to a new beginning which I know will be filled with ambition and eagerness to enjoy life."

"I am given a second chance to live my life again without hiding behind a mask of depression."

"TMS treatment team was wonderful to work with.  I could not have asked for a more professional and kinder staff.  They were with me the whole way!"

"TMS changed my life.  The staff was so friendly and kind.  They just get it and put me at ease."